
Tuesday, June 20, 2023



  1. Varâha — In order to raise the Earth from the waters, the Purusha adopted the body of Varâha or Boar and killed with His tusks the first Daitya Hiranyâksha.

  2. Yajna — was born of Ruchi and Âkuti. The Suyama Devas were born of Yajna. He dispelled the fears of Trilokî.

  3. Kapila — was born of Kardama Prajâpati and his wife Devahûti. He taught Brahmâ Vidyâ to his mother.

  4. Dattâtreya — He preached Yoga to his disciples, who acquired powers and became liberated.

  5. The Kumâras. — Sanat Kumâra, Sanaka, Sanandana and Sanâtana. They completely promulgated the Âtmâ Vidyâ, which had been lost in Pralaya.

  6. Nara Nârâyana. — They were born of Dharma and his wife Murti, daughter of Daksha. Their Tapas was so great that the Deva ladies could not shake it.

  7. Dhruva. — Though a boy, he could not bear the words of his step-mother. He went into the forests and made Tapas. He was rewarded with ascent to Dhruva Loka or the region of the polar star.

  8. Prithu. — He milked out riches and edibles from the earth.

  9. Rishabha. — Rishabha was the son of Nàbhi by Sudevi or Meru Devi. He roamed about as Parama Hansa.

  10. Hayagrîva. — This horse-headed Avatâra appeared in the Vedic Yajna and promulgated the Vedas.

  11. Matsya. — Vaivasvata Mann found out this Avatâra at the end of a cycle of Yugas. He preserved all beings and the Vedas from the waters of the Deluge.

  12. Kûrma. — At the great churning of the Ocean, the Tortoise Avatâra supported the Mandâra mountain.

  13. Nrisinha. — The Man-Lion Avatâra killed Hiranyakâsîpu.

  14. Hari — saved the Elephant King of the famous story of Gajendra Moksha.

  15. Vâmana — measured the Trilokî by His two steps.

  16. Hansa — related Bhakti Yoga, Gnana and Bhâgavata Purâna to Nârada.

  17. The presiding deity of each Manvantara.

  18. Dhanvantari — promulgated the science of medicine.

  19. Parasu Râma — suppressed the Kshatriyas who became disregardful of the Brâhmanas and the Sâstras.

  20. Râma — destroyed Lankâ and killed Râvana.

  21. Râma and Krishna. — The tenth Canto of Bhâgavata is entirely devoted to their deeds.

  22. Vyâsa. — He divided the trunk of the Veda tree into several branches.

  23. Buddha. — When the Asuras came to know the Vedic mysteries and to oppress people, Buddha incarnated Himself in order to confound them by preaching a variety of by-religions.

  24. Kalki — will appear before the end of Kali Yuga, to set things right.

Monday, June 5, 2023


he is a 

  1. 'singer, 
  2. songwriter, 
  3. fashion designer, 
  4. creative director, 
  5. fashion stylist, 
  6. executive assistant, 
  7. shopper, 
  8. buyer, 
  9. a football player, 
  10. art curator'.